Project Support
January 17, 2013
David Wilson Homes North West is extending its thanks to staff and residents after its North West Community Fund Christmas charity campaign saw the housebuilder collect more than 3,000 food items for local people in need.
The Cheshire based developer called for the general public to donate non-perishable items to its developments across the North West and more than 1.5 tonnes of food was delivered to selected charities in the region in time for Christmas.
One local charity to benefit was Warrington foodbank, a charity that provides emergency food packages for people in crisis.
John Dolan, project coordinator at Warrington foodbank, comments: “This donation represents one of the largest single contributions we have ever received and we would like to thank each and every person who donated, as well as David Wilson Homes North West for arranging this brilliant campaign.
“The donated items provide a week’s worth of food to each individual we support. Seeing the full vans arrive to deliver the supplies was a heart-warming moment for all involved.”
David Wilson Homes North West kicked off the campaign by partnering with Sainsbury’s Chapelford, which donated a pallet full of food, filled with items such as long life milk, pasta and tinned fruit, to the charity.
Steve Jackson, sales director for David Wilson Homes North West, comments: “The North West Community Fund scheme is committed to improving local communities across the region. Through our Christmas campaign, with the help of Sainsbury’s Chapelford and the Warrington foodbank, we have made a significant difference to local people’s lives and would like to thank everyone who donated for their generosity.”